15 Fake GPS Apps Spotted on Google Play With Over 50 Million Downloads - Techmemes



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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

15 Fake GPS Apps Spotted on Google Play With Over 50 Million Downloads

15 Fake GPS Apps Spotted on Google Play With Over 50 Million Downloads

15 Fake GPS Apps Spotted on Google Play With Over 50 Million Downloads: ESET

15 Fake GPS Apps Spotted on Google Play With Over 50 Million Downloads: ESET
These apps just open Google Maps or use its API, adding no value.


  • • ESET malware researcher Lukas   Stefanko chanced upon these apps
  • • These fake apps make money by showing multiple ads to the user
  • • Stefanko reported about these apps to Google a month ago

Google Play store is reportedly plagued with over 15 fake GPS apps that use unfair tactics to show ads to users and make money unethically. These apps are positioned as navigation apps, but once installed; these apps reportedly just open Google Maps or use its API without any additional value for the user, except for displaying ads. These fake apps have been reported to Google by ESET malware researcher Lukas Stefanko a month ago, but the tech giant is yet to take any action.
Stefanko found these 15 fake GPS apps over a month ago on Google Play, and these apps collectively have gathered over 50,000,000 installs. The list includes GPS Route Finder, GPS Live Street Maps, Maps GPS Navigation, and more. The researcher claims that these apps serve no additional value or use, but are only riddled with ads. Some of these apps don't even have proper app icons, and are clearly fake apps published to make revenue through unfair means.
Stefanko says, "These apps pretend to be full featured navigation apps, but all they can do is to create useless layer between User and Google Maps app. They attract potential users with fake screenshots stolen from legitimate Navigation apps. Purpose of these apps is ad revenue (easy money). They don't have any Navigation technology or know-how, they only misuse Google Maps. Once user clicks on Drive, Navigate, Route, My Location or other option, Google Maps app is opened." All of the 15 apps can be seen in the image below.

Photo Credit: Twitter/ Lukas Stefanko

One of the apps even asks for money to remove these ads, which means that an unaware user is shelling up cash for a service that is free and is already pre-installed on his Android phone - Google Maps. These apps also ask for permissions to access contacts and messages, which could lead to potential data theft. Stefanko has reported these apps to Google over a month ago, and while the tech giant is fast to respond to such reports, these apps still exist in Google Play.